Conceptually, the satellite office project aims to provide people with diverse experience about street. Street mainly
acts as pass way in urban, but it means more than just
pedestrian. Basically, Individual Street has its own unique
history, name, and activity based on the context around the
Under the idea of “Office on the street”, this project try to develop and revitalize streets as an office where productive
and creative energy is created. In addition, although the number of “Third Places” is on the rise nowadays, the physical
limitation of the current places is still exist. To react this problems, a movable module system is be developed. The
system is designed not only for the physical environment such as building, parking lot, road, or subway, where the
module install, but also, for the historical or cultural assets.
A modern office is not a place to support work, but to uphold human.

Seoul in Korea

Amsterdam in Netherlands

Los Angeles in US
